
I’m Mia Rose (they/them) — a freelance visual artist, stylist, and producer based in Portland, Oregon.

My aesthetic and philosophy are both driven by sustainability and an old-fashioned sensibility. In my styling process, I try to put these values into place by rarely buying anything new, and instead prefer to collect pieces through secondhand sources when adding to my curated inventory.

I’d love to work with you! Inquire below about photography and styling services.



“All Dressed Up with Nowhere To Go,” an editorial shoot published in Selin Magazine Issue 20 Vol. 17
“Beauty in Antiquity,” a photo series published in Local Wolves Issue 54
Feature by Portland Monthly on floral photography in Oregon
“The Office Hours,” a photojournalistic project created in collaboration with the University of Portland
“Photography and Recovery: Mia Rose finds renewal in Humans of UP”Interview with The Beacon
